Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Radio Corazón

Hello... Today Nick asked us talk about the last film that we saw... In my case that one was Radio Corazón.

This movie is the no oficial sequel of "El Chacotero sentimental" of 1998 that is until today the most popular film in Chile. Radio Corazón preserve the original structure narrating three diferent stories through a radio program which is the union point for this film (like in the first one). The film start whit "La iniciación" ("The initiation") a story wich count how a teeneger called Nice (Manuela Martelli) treat to keep the promise that she did to her friend... "Before I be 18 I will be a woman, will lose my virginity" and in this attempt she involved her stepfather Manolo (Daniel Muñoz) and his workmetter Darwin (Daniel Alcaíno). Then we confront a Drama "Mi nuera" ("my daughter in law") that develop between Sandra (Claudia Di Girolamo) her son Federico (Nestor Cantillana) and his girlfriend Manuela (Juana Viale), this is a very strong story wich involved lies, loneliness and homosexuality. Finally we find a story called "Cuento de Hadas" ("Fairy Tale") which is, in my opinion, the weakest point in this movie. This tale is about a domestic servant called Valeria (Tamara Acosta) who work with a very rich family which are having some problem because of Maria Pilar`s illness (Amparo Noguera), who is the employer. The main problem is between Maria Pilar and her husband Cristián (Felipe Braund), and this problem reach at Valeria in a no common way.

In my opinion this is a very good movia, I do not know if is better of previous one, but have a very good photografy, framing and I had a very good soprise with "Rumpy", the Director, because I think he did a very good job (It is his first movie). Beside the actors performance is very good, especially Caludia Di Girolamo, Daniel Muñoz and Manuela Martelli. Tamara Acosta also did a good job (Like always) but we have seen she is this kind of role.

TYhis film is a very good option, especially if you want know more the chilean culture.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Totila Albert (The german Rodin)

Hi!!! Welll today I wont show you one of my favourite piece of art. This is "La Tierra" ("The Earth" in English) of Totila Albert, he is a chilean sculptor who born in 1892 in Santiago Chile, in 1915 he went to Germany to study and work in Berlin`s Fine Arts Academy. He count with his colleague`s appreciation, he to belong to 28` generation and his work was given a very good reception, even was call "The German Rodin". He most back to Chile in 1939 after his works and studio was destroy in middle of second world war (Totila had german-judish origin).

The first time that I saw his works was in a Contemporary Art Museum`s leaflet(MAC). I love how Totila understand the human`s anatomy and its means. I hope you like it too.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My favorite website

ehhhh!!! Really I don´t have a favorite website... Maybe because I don´t have Internet in my house... However I visit very often some page that help me in my dailys task. One of this pages is, well I think that page don´t need greater presentation, I used it to search information to my work or studying, especially when I need found laws which i could´n found on (National Congres´s website). An other page taht I visited frequently is (Google Rule again) to check or sned my e-mails, this page is very usefull because in it you can save all your mails since it have a big space, also this page have a chat very easy to use where you can communicate with your contacts.
Other pages that I used a lot (but are not my favorites) are and that are University´s institutional page to help the student to communicate whit his professor (first case) or to know your academy state.
... Taht´s all folks...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

An interesting subject

Well... Are two areas that I find interesting:

  • Criminal Law

  • Procedural law

The first area refers to the body of law which deals with crimes and their consequences. Procedural law comprises the rules by which a court hears and determines what happens in civil or criminal proceeding.

In penal law I have learnt about the penal theory and crimal theory, that`s to say only thery, only the general part (Penal law divide in general and special part). In other hand in procedural law I have learnt the organitation of trial (in firts semester), ordinay process (second semester) and this semester i have leart about specials process.

Well I want to know (Next semester I hope) penal process and the special part of penal law that contain the specific crime and it`s stady. Learn this thing is mix this areas (procedural and penal law).

I`m not really sure why but I find its very interesting. Procedural law, I think, it´s nearest of profesional job and in Penal law you can find more areas for discusion about justice.

Websites about this areas are:

  2. ??????

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Law´s Web sites

1).- It is a very interesting site because is a law dictionary and encylopedia
which create same like Wikipedia. In there you can find a lot of definitions of law´s terms. so you most be careful because many terms are take from "common law system" and are not the same for us legal system (Stoutory law).

2).- In this web site you can find a lot of link to other page related to penal law, specialy page related to penal code of diferent countrys, also you can find a link to penal law web by
Markus Dirk Dubber Professor of Law & Director, Buffalo Criminal Law Center State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Law.

3).- Here you can find a complete information about United Nations, it´s organitation, work of diferent assembly, and all that.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"The most important day of my life"

!What?¡ Nick... well I think I`m so young to have THE most important day of my life yet... However I remember thinking that the day which I did The university selection test (PSU in espanish acronym) was a important date in my life, this day I was very nervius due to all people said "This exam dicide your future" "This exam is very difucult" and etc. Other important day in my life was the day when I recived the PSU `s result jajajaja.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Last weekend

UFFFF!!! Last weekend was strange. I went to Curicó, a little city in south of Santiago, to visit my sister who live there. She was very sorprised I didn´t tell her tahat I gone to visit. Also in Curicó live some cousins ans somes aunts and uncles, who ricived my visit. Was a funny weekend, I ate a lot of good food and Spoke a lot whit my sister. I back yesterday in evening and return to reality (ja)