Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My favorite website

ehhhh!!! Really I don´t have a favorite website... Maybe because I don´t have Internet in my house... However I visit very often some page that help me in my dailys task. One of this pages is, well I think that page don´t need greater presentation, I used it to search information to my work or studying, especially when I need found laws which i could´n found on (National Congres´s website). An other page taht I visited frequently is (Google Rule again) to check or sned my e-mails, this page is very usefull because in it you can save all your mails since it have a big space, also this page have a chat very easy to use where you can communicate with your contacts.
Other pages that I used a lot (but are not my favorites) are and that are University´s institutional page to help the student to communicate whit his professor (first case) or to know your academy state.
... Taht´s all folks...

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