Wednesday, May 30, 2007

An interesting subject

Well... Are two areas that I find interesting:

  • Criminal Law

  • Procedural law

The first area refers to the body of law which deals with crimes and their consequences. Procedural law comprises the rules by which a court hears and determines what happens in civil or criminal proceeding.

In penal law I have learnt about the penal theory and crimal theory, that`s to say only thery, only the general part (Penal law divide in general and special part). In other hand in procedural law I have learnt the organitation of trial (in firts semester), ordinay process (second semester) and this semester i have leart about specials process.

Well I want to know (Next semester I hope) penal process and the special part of penal law that contain the specific crime and it`s stady. Learn this thing is mix this areas (procedural and penal law).

I`m not really sure why but I find its very interesting. Procedural law, I think, it´s nearest of profesional job and in Penal law you can find more areas for discusion about justice.

Websites about this areas are:

  2. ??????

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