Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Totila Albert (The german Rodin)

Hi!!! Welll today I wont show you one of my favourite piece of art. This is "La Tierra" ("The Earth" in English) of Totila Albert, he is a chilean sculptor who born in 1892 in Santiago Chile, in 1915 he went to Germany to study and work in Berlin`s Fine Arts Academy. He count with his colleague`s appreciation, he to belong to 28` generation and his work was given a very good reception, even was call "The German Rodin". He most back to Chile in 1939 after his works and studio was destroy in middle of second world war (Totila had german-judish origin).

The first time that I saw his works was in a Contemporary Art Museum`s leaflet(MAC). I love how Totila understand the human`s anatomy and its means. I hope you like it too.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My favorite website

ehhhh!!! Really I don´t have a favorite website... Maybe because I don´t have Internet in my house... However I visit very often some page that help me in my dailys task. One of this pages is, well I think that page don´t need greater presentation, I used it to search information to my work or studying, especially when I need found laws which i could´n found on (National Congres´s website). An other page taht I visited frequently is (Google Rule again) to check or sned my e-mails, this page is very usefull because in it you can save all your mails since it have a big space, also this page have a chat very easy to use where you can communicate with your contacts.
Other pages that I used a lot (but are not my favorites) are and that are University´s institutional page to help the student to communicate whit his professor (first case) or to know your academy state.
... Taht´s all folks...